
Good writing should not be read, it should be felt.

Hello!  My name is David Michael Macdonald and I live in a small community on the outskirts of Toronto.  Many years have found me dwelling in the fascinating world of Information Technology.  Always in 'Sales and Marketing' and always watching and living in the world of exponential and almost mind-boggling growth in computing power.  I have spent years in that world living with and participating in crafting solutions and simplifying technologically-focused responses to many complex computer-system solutions and issues.  

I specialized in approaching technical and complex "Request for Proposal" (RFP) responses for major banks, insurance companies and provincial governments ,  creating detailed responses to their published requirements in simplified terms, appealing to the wider audience that these documents are often presented to.

Frequently, these processes included me 'ghostwriting' criteria for many RFPs, to aid Clients that were drowning in the noise and detail of documenting, in an acceptable format, exactly what it was they needed.   I excelled at simplifying rapidly-changing technology and jargon into digestible and understandable language - a bit of a specialty niche.

I found that I was somewhat of a Wordsmith... being able to express complex issues in a few well chosen words or concepts.  I enjoy seeing that even today, many Vendors I have worked with over the years are still utilizing my Corporate Overviews.  

Today, I've continued to expand my enjoyment of writing, marketing creativity, and musical composition.   It is truly a labour of love - my written poetry has been set to music and recorded as a song.  LinkedIn commentaries, contributions to Facebook and Twitter, real estate marketing materials, legal agreements and opinions of value are all part of my work.   And I am excited to be finalizing the publication of my first novel.

This Portfolio is a sampling of some of my history, intended to give you a taste or flavour of the breath of my creative skills.  I hope that you enjoy it!

- David Michael Macdonald 

🔗 Connect with me on LinkedIn 


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